As the weather warms and the sun stays out longer, many people are breaking out their camping and outdoor gear. For some this is a yearly tradition and for others this may be the first time you’re considering braving the great outdoors. Whatever you experience level or history with camping, I would highly recommend getting outside this summer! Not only can it be so rejuvenating, but it would be a great way to take a break from the stresses of wedding planning. Give yourself the chance to unplug from wedding stuff for a bit of time to connect with yourself, your future spouse and nature.
There are levels of camping for each type of camper. I’ve broken these down into four groups and rated them for comfort, level of experience needed, the amount of gear required and a few helpful tips (5 tents represents the highest value and 0 tents the lowest).

comfort | (up to) ⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺
experience level | ⛺
equipment needed | ⛺
Spoil yourself by bringing your favorite coffee maker. There is nothing better than a delicious, warming cup of coffee surrounded by gorgeous trees and landscape
comfort | (up to) ⛺⛺⛺⛺
experience level | ⛺⛺
equipment needed | ⛺⛺ (varies)

Bring blankets. Not only to make sure you can stay nice and cozy inside, but also for spreading out on the ground to watch the stars before heading to bed

Car Camping
comfort | ⛺⛺⛺
experience level | ⛺⛺⛺
equipment needed | ⛺⛺⛺
Pancakes. Pancakes on a camping stove with real maple syrup… Nothing gets better than that.

comfort | ⛺⛺
experience level | ⛺⛺⛺⛺
equipment needed | ⛺⛺⛺⛺
Make sure to pack good socks. There is nothing worse than soggy or thin, uncomfy socks. If you don’t have any, it would be a great idea to invest in some quality wool socks.
Of course, camping is not limited to the categories above! There are so many ways to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. All I want you to remember is to get outside because
adventure is out there.
